Family Support in NYS PBIS
Family Involvement Type 5
Decision Making
Participation and Leadership
PTA/PTO membership,
participation, leadership, representation
Advisory councils,
school improvement teams
Title 1 councils,
school-site management teams, other committees
Independent school
advisory groups
Challenges For Schools
Include parent leaders
from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other groups in the school
Offer training for
parent leaders to develop leadership skills
Include student
representatives along with parents in decision making
“Decision making” means a process of partnership to share views and take action toward shared goals for school improvement and student success, not a power struggle.
Expected Outcomes
Awareness of
representation of families in school decisions
that student rights are protected
benefits linked to policies enacted by parent organizations and by experienced
Primary Care Giver/Parent/Guardian:
Input into
policies that affect child’s education
Feeling of
ownership of school
Awareness of
parents’ voices in school decisions
experiences and connections with other families
Awareness of
school district, and state policies
Awareness of
parent perspectives as a factor in policy development and decisions
View of equal
status of family representatives on committees and in leadership roles
Sample Practices
Family Support (FSO’s) or other family driven organizations, advisory councils,
or committees (e.g. curriculum, safety, personnel) for family leadership and
Independent advocacy
groups to lobby and work for school reform and improvements
District-level councils
and committees for family and community involvement
Information on school or
local elections for school representatives
Networks to link all
families with family representatives
Focus groups to solicit
family perspective