Family Support in NYS PBIS


Family Involvement Type 5

Decision Making



Participation and Leadership


*      PTA/PTO membership, participation, leadership, representation

*      Advisory councils, school improvement teams

*      Title 1  councils, school-site management teams, other committees

*      Independent school advisory groups


Challenges For Schools

*      Include parent leaders from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other groups in the school

*      Offer training for parent leaders to develop leadership skills

*      Include student representatives along with parents in decision making



 “Decision making” means a process of partnership to share views and take action toward shared goals for school improvement and student success, not a power struggle.


Expected Outcomes


*      Awareness of representation of families in school decisions

*      Understanding that student rights are protected

*      Specific benefits linked to policies enacted by parent organizations and by experienced students


Primary Care Giver/Parent/Guardian:

*      Input into policies that affect child’s education

*      Feeling of ownership of school

*      Awareness of parents’ voices in school decisions

*      Shared experiences and connections with other families

*      Awareness of school district, and state policies



*      Awareness of parent perspectives as a factor in policy development and decisions

*      View of equal status of family representatives on committees and in leadership roles


Sample Practices

*      Active PTA/PTO, SEPTA, Family Support (FSO’s) or other family driven organizations, advisory councils, or committees (e.g. curriculum, safety, personnel) for family leadership and participation

*       Independent advocacy groups to lobby and work for school reform and improvements

*      District-level councils and committees for family and community involvement

*      Information on school or local elections for school representatives

*      Networks to link all families with family representatives

*      Focus groups to solicit family perspective


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